
New beginnings in the middle of the year

Inspired by a new book I'm reading--The Year of Reading Dangerously by one Andy Miller--I've decided to make a list of books to read--one each week--and provide comment on my experience. A whole year of that's from June 11, 2021 to June 11, 2022. 52 books if I stick to the one-book-per-week formula.  And what's to go into the list of 52? I'm yet to decide. But I want to get at least the first four weeks' reading list ready before the end of the day. I also realize that there's no point drawing my boundaries too neatly by getting all 52 ready in advance. I will add to it as I go along, and of course, new, and hopefully more interesting, books get published.  Now that the matter of how to choose my books is out of the way, I need to decide on what will go into my daily blog. I started off by thinking that this will be a good subject to base my daily writing exercises around—an hour of thinking and writing is what I plan to do. I could of course go ...